
Questions and Answers for Farishtah...

What is the delusion that you speak of?.. What ego are you speaking of?.. Is it
the false ego or the real ego ?.. who are we?.. Is the false ego a delusion or
illusion ?.. Is the real ego, God?... what ego do we believe we are ?... Do we
really exist in the material world, or are we merely projections of
Consciousness of the real ego?..Do we need to believe that we are the false ego
to exist within the physical plane? or can we exist in all planes as real ego
also known as Consciousness or God...... namaste, thomas
To answer Farishtah's request, I will answer my own questions according to the
knowledge that I have gained through experience.. The delusion is belief in the
illusion of the ego.. We have two egos', the real one and the one that we have
created from our memories and desires, and this one is the illusion called the
false ego.. we are the Real Ego called Consciousness or God.. We do not exist as
separate entities within any plane expecially the visible plane.. this feeling
of being separate is created by the false ego.. We are Consciousness exploring
Consciousness.. If we believe that we are the false ego in the material plane or
the higher planes called heavens, then , we will remain trapped in these planes
because we create our own reality according to our Beliefs in who we are and our
desires.. the only desire that will Free you is the desire for false ego
elimination, and once Realization occurs, this desire will also be
eliminated...........namaste, thomas


thomas ... said...

To further the knowledge of the reader, Farishtah is a teacher of Sufi Knowledge of the Muslim faith........namaste, thomas

thomas ... said...

Once one reads between the words, it feels to me that we're
saying essentially similar things. As always, the challenge is
to peel back the jargon and get at what's beneath it. Yes,
there are differences, but not enough to fixate about.

Thank you, Thomas.
