
The Ego...

Now, what would this ego be then? We know it's a collection of thoughts, but a collection of thoughts standing by themselves would be meaningless. It just doesn't make any sense to say a collection of thoughts is an ego. There has to be some consciousness permeating or pervading those thoughts in order to speak about an ego, an I-ness. But if you remove the consciousness or the mind which pervades those thoughts then you would have no ego. If I was able to subtract the consciousness that permeates you, then all I would have there would be a ghost, a skeleton, collection of a lot of thoughts -- you've no ego.

So this ego seems to be a mixture of two things: collection of thoughts on the one hand, and a fixed and empty center on the other. Although you may not like the idea that that reality is fixed and empty at the same time.

-- Anthony Damiani 7/11/84

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