
What is the False Self ?

The false self consists of everything negative within a person. Its nature is to be envious, helpless, angry, despairing, worried, critical, unstable, foolish, and everything else at enmity with happiness.. Religions call the false self, the devil or sinfulness; philosophy sees it as the lower nature; modern psychology calls it the ego-self that lives in illusion.. But whatever the name, it is the cause of All inward pressure, which explodes outwardly in wars, crimes, and other social tragedies... The person dominated by their false self does not live their day, they are driven through it.. They are hounded by compulsive desires, pained by automatic angers, scared by unrealistic imaginations.. Because he identifies with these terrors, that is, because he wrongly takes himself as his false self, his desperation is endless.. He is clutched by an unseen enemy.. "The entire root of your problem is that you cannot get out of yourself" (Francois Fenelon)..............written by Vernon Howard............................namaste, thomas

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