
Speaking in Tongues...

Saint Paul speaks of the gift of tongues. This phrase has puzzled many
of his readers. The Church, not knowing its meaning, usually considers
it to mean speaking in languages unknown on earth. The Spiritualists,
possessed by their own theories of spirit-possession, usually consider
it to mean speaking in languages unknown to the speaker but used in
other countries. Mystics who develop this gift find that it means
either the ability to speak in symbolic metaphoric enigmatic or
allegoric language or the ability to interpret such language when heard
or to translate it when read. On this definition, Saint John's Book of
Revelation is a striking example of the working of the gift of tongues.

Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 14: The Sensitive Mind
paul brunton


Tea Heun Daniel Kim, ADIT said...

You said: "Mystics who develop this gift find that it means
either the ability to speak in symbolic metaphoric enigmatic or
allegoric language or the ability to interpret such language when heard
or to translate it when read..."

And I strongly agree. Is this your own opinion/conclusion or somebody else's (no offense)? Were there any ancient mystics who had the same or similar ideas on speaking in tongues?

thomas ... said...

We Mystics speak a language that envolves poetry.... the Apostles ask the Mystic Master,,, " Why do you speak in Parables ?"... The teacher answered,,, " I speak in parables for those that Know and for the others to think it just a good story............thomas