
The Narrow Gate...

"Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the
way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter
by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard
that leads to life, and those who find it are few."
World Scripture, Responsibility and Self-Destination, Christianity,
Matthew 7.13-14
Our biggest misunderstanding about God is that He thinks
like we think. We cannot comprehend how God thinks, but
we must seek to understand it as well as we can. In the
Qur'an, the Lord says "Be mindful of me, and I will be
mindful of you." 2.152 And "God changes not what is in a
people, until they change what is in themselves." 13.11
We must stop expecting God to respond to our own
personal whims about how He should react to our desire
to know Him. Rather, we should seek Him on His own
terms. Those terms are laid out in the Ancient Sacred Texts
and the writings of the Prophets, Saints, Mystics and
Sages from throughout the world and time. Go there and
follow the pathway that He left behind for us through
some of His greatest souls. It is in their words that we find
what it is that WE must do for God to reach towards us,
rather than what HE must do to fulfill our desire for Him.
Finally, the question of suffering and why it happens in
the world is probably the most commonly wondered about
plight of the human being. Christ made the answer clear
when He said to His disciples that the Servant is not
greater than the Master, and what they do to the Master
they shall also do to you. It is also said in Biblical
Scripture that "it rains on the just and the unjust alike.'
Suffering is part of the human condition. Marilynn Hughes

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