
Creating a Human Web of Light ...

... the underlying principle of esoteric beliefs is that all life is
made of light. As human beings with egos we often forget our true
nature and we over identify with our personalities and bodies. We are
light in bodies.

Alchemists did not literally change lead into gold. Rather they
transmuted heavy leaded consciousness into gold light consciousness.
Jesus in Matthew 5:30-20 challenges us not to hide our light under
baskets. When mystics all over the world perform their miracles of
healing they are seen to shine and become luminescent. Throughout
Medicine for the Earth I write about the importance of the concept of
light in all spiritual traditions.

We are light and we came here to shine. But most of us have forgotten
our true nature as well as why we came here. We were created from
love and light and we are love and light. It is our birthright to
shine as fully in the world as we can.

Many of us have been taught at an early age not to shine too bright.
If we shine too bright no one will love us. There can only be a
few "stars" and it is not you. Does this sound familiar?

Why can there only be a few stars here on earth? I have never heard
anyone say when looking up at the stars in the sky, "I wish that star
wouldn't shine so brightly it is outshining other stars". Why do we
have that belief here?

It is time for all us to shine our light, which will reflect back the
beauty of the night sky above us. We need to find our shine again so
that we can light up the dark places of the world...... Sandra

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