

There, in the deepest state of contemplation, the awareness of a second
thing--whether this be the world of objects outside or the world of
thoughts inside--vanishes. But unconsciousness does not follow. What is
left over is a continuous static impersonal and unchanging
consciousness. This is the inmost being of man. This is the supreme
Self, dwelling within itself alone. Its stillness transcends the
activity of thinking, of the knowing which distinguishes one thing from
another. It is incommunicable then, inexplicable later. But after a
while from this high level the meditator must descend, returning to his
human condition. He has come as close in the contact with the Great
Being, the most refined ultimate Godhead, as is posssible. Let him be
grateful. Let him not ask for more for he cannot know or experience
more. This is as far as any man can go, for "Thou shalt not see God and

— Notebooks Category 23: Advanced Contemplation > Chapter 7:
Contemplative Stillness > # 293.........Paul Brunton

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