
What is God ?..........

We have been taught from birth to believe that God is an old man on a
throne, waiting to judge our souls, according to how we have followed
his rules.........But our mentality is much more advanced now, and we
can delve deeper into the understanding of what the word God
means......God means Love...and Love is unselfishness and lack of the
false ego..this is very important.. stop thinking in terms of a human
god and think in terms of energy and vibration... at the smallest
level, our bodies are vibration , and we know that we have been created
in the likeness of God.. therefore, God is energy and vibration...
vibration cannot be seen , we can use electronic instruments to see the
duplication of the vibration but it is beyond the frequencies of light
that our eyes can see... this is spirit... spirit are frequencies that
cannot be seen with human eyes.......So , by saying that we are God, is
not egoistic... it is the opposite of egoistic... because we are saying
that we are LOVE ,and unselfish Love cannot be selfish or egoistic, it
is impossible for these energies to merge....therefore, even though
it might shock your mental system to say that you are God, it is
actually achieving egolessness to state this and know that it is
true.......As Jesus said;" The last shall be
first"................namaste, thomas

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