
Divine Consciousness...

"We are only an infinite, divine consciousness manifesting itself in individual forms - the individual forms that appear as humans, animal, bird, plant life, vegetable, mineral, but consciousness as form. The moment you begin to perceive this can you see eternality because when does consciousness stop appearing as form? No matter how fast the forms disappear, consciousness bursts out in new forms.

"We call this impersonalizing, and yet impersonalizing does not take away the love nature. It increases it because we can look beyond the human, animal, vegetable that today seems to be so good and tomorrow so bad, or today so alive and tomorrow so dead. And we can love because we're loving beyond the appearance. We're living the consciousness that appears as infinite form, and we are knowing that nothing can appear as form except in the nature of the consciousness that is appearing."

From: Tape 448, Side 2, 1962 Hawaiian Student Group, Tape 1,

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