
Mental Health Issues Perceived Spiritually by Mystic Life

The use of labeling people with a "disorder" will be seen as primitive in the near future.

The ego takes a label and uses it against one's self. In challenging times the ego will use a label the self has been given (by the ego or another) as a reason that one can not cope with the current circumstances.

What follows is a list of common labels, their underlying dynamics, and suggestions for healing.

Depression: individual is suppressing one's true nature, and identifying with ego.
Healing: let one's self be guided towards what has been held back, and identify with God.

Anxiety: individual is not listening to inner guidance.
Healing: follow through with thoughts and behavioral changes one is resisting.

Codependence/Other Addiction: individual is identifying with someone or something outside of one's own true nature as their source of happiness.
Healing: identify with one's higher self, recognizing wholeness.

Bipolar Disorder: individual is identifying with a source outside of self. Individual fixates on external gratification when "high" and feels rejected by fixations when "low."
Healing: find source of peace in one's mind, identifying with God as your source of unconditional love.

Mania: feeling suppressed energy from being guided to change but not following through.
Healing: do what you feel guided to do. Make the changes that are in your highest spiritual interest.

Phobias: projecting guilt onto external situation or focus. One feels one should be punished and believes that external source will punish him/her.
Healing: understand that no one deserves punishment. Ask that guilt be removed from your mind and replaced with peace.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: individual is avoiding new awareness by fixating on repeated thoughts or behaviors.
Healing: allow new guidance to enter your mind.

Borderline Personality Disorder: fixation upon another's approval/disapproval as the source of one's worth as opposed to the unconditional love of God.
Healing: release others from the illusion that their approval brings happiness. Turn to God for a sensation of unconditional love.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: projecting feelings of inferiority onto others. Feeling inadequate in the eyes of God, and perpetuating guilt by using thoughts of separation.
Healing: understand that you and all others are sinless and perfect in the eyes of God. Realize that you are all equal and perfect in your true essence.

Histrionic Personality Disorder: using one's body and behaviors to receive attention and achieve a sense of power stemming from a feeling of inadequacy and emptiness.
Healing: realize your wholeness, turning to God for an understanding of your completion and wholeness.

Antisocial Personality Disorder: projecting anger at God onto others. Even someone who self-identifies as an atheist has an unconscious recollection of God's existence. If one feels victimized by God s/he projects that anger upon others.
Healing: recognize inner peace and when you are not angry at God (which is like being angry at love) you will hear God's guidance. No matter what your current circumstance is, there is a path to wholeness and peace in your current manifestation. Once listening, God will guide you to your peace.

Paranoia: projecting your inner fears upon your environment. The ego uses the idea that at any moment you will be punished for your sins.
Healing: understand that there are no sins and that you are safe. Know that regardless of what has occurred in the past, God wants you to be at peace, and protects you from harm. The ego will attempt to frighten you but it is not real, and you can not be harmed by what is not real.

Schizophrenia: a state of being unsure if one is ego or spirit.
Healing: understand your true essence is spirit, and that you are an extension of God.

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