
Deep Meditation....

Many years ago, while I was in a state of deep meditation, I found myself in a place of complete white light and surrounded and filled with the total energy of Love....I was thinking that I never wanted to leave this place, when a Voice asked me if I wanted to stay or did I wish to return to the body.....I thought that if I stayed in this beautiful place then the soul would be gone from the body and the body would be found dead..this bothered me because I knew that my friends and relatives would feel great pain at my death,,so I told the Voice that I wanted to return to the body...I then immediately found myself in my body, fully alert in my room...............I often wonder if I had made the right decision.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Thomas,
The bright Light that you talk about may have been your Higher Self. You should be grateful that you were admitted to the Light.
As for the second part, I think it was the right decision - this life has a value and purpose. We should continue to develop spirituality and goals of our lives.