
The Akashic Records....

One who meditates regularly, over time, learns to release the conscious mind and to go deeper and deeper within to subconscious mind. There he begins to be able to perceive this Universal Knowledge of Mind and is capable of receiving the Wisdom of the Ages. Instead of being limited in their information and experience to only what is stored in their brain he or she now has an expanded consciousness that is capable of receiving the accumulated knowledge of millions of people over thousands and tens of thousands of years. The Akashic Records are located between the fourth and fifth levels of Mind the midpoint of the Subconscious Mind. It is the point where mental ideas that are in the process of manifestation begin to take on physical form. The Akashic Records and Universal Mind have also been referred to at various times and places as the Hall of Records, Hall of Knowledge, and by the phrase, "In my father's house are many mansions." Different people, in different times, in different ways, to different degrees are and have been able to access and go to the Akashic Records located in Subconscious Mind. This process is much more than astral projection, it is a melding of your subconscious mind with the Universal Mind..It is not complete unity with the Universal Mind, as you still consider yourself to be a separate entity from Universal Mind (God)....

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