
The Sermon on the Mount.....(3)by Swami Prabhavananda

Jesus said;" Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth"........Ignorance and delusion are characteristic of the unregenerate mind...This ignorance is confirmed and buttressed by our sense of ego...our idea that we are seperate from one another and from God....Egotism must be overcome if the mind is to be freed from delusion,,therefore...blessed are the meek................Spirituality is composed of opposites,,such as "the last shall be first" giving up the desire of owning (attachment) , that which only God owns,,then we realize that when we conquer the false-ego, we return to our true selves,,which is a part of God...and therefore the co-owner of the Earth......The person that has given up their sense of attachment,, experiences the advantages which possessions afford without the misery which possessiveness brings................

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