
Overcoming the Barrier to Happiness....

The false ego cannot be, and need not be changed, but it can be dissolved and replaced by the True Self....A hawk cannot be changed into a dove, but it can be replaced by a dove...Remember, the false self is false, it is non-existent, but by believing it it, we act as if it were real...In reality, there is only one Self, one Power....The True Self is, as the New Testament phrases it, the Kingdom of Heaven within...It is your higher self, the Divinity in man......But, the greatest single barrier to attaining this is man's secret assumption that he already knows the answers to his problems...Millions of unhappy people make this false assumption, but do not see it, thus freezing their potentialities for happiness....A tremendous power works for the man who meets a challenging problem with the honest admission, "I don't know the answer"....By turning his helplessness over to the power, he enables it to reveal the answer................

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